It's not about the list. It's about the relationship with the list that counts
What makes people WANT to buy from you?
With over 25 years as an entrepreneur, Ely started with his Web & Graphic Design Agency working out of his dining room. He then grew it to opening an office, 5 employees and closing 3-5 new contracts PER WEEK!
(Mostly all within a 20-mile radius of his office.)
All with no advertising. It was all with networking and meeting people.
Now, he’s got clients all over the globe and the mass majority of those clients have come from referrals. AGAIN, not by advertising.
It’s all from building relationships with the right people and showing that he really does care about his clients.
All… with the use of technology to help him stay more connected than ever with his prospects, client, vendors, and friends.
"The people you meet are the people that will take you where you want to go"
What if you had a system that would work for you 24/7/365 and helped you keep in touch with all those people you’ve met?
Let’s face it, we don't have time to keep up with them all on our own. How often have you dropped the ball after only 1or 2 touches with a prospect?
We all need help to keep up with it all and the tools we need do actually exist.
Recently, I had the pleasure to attend a Networking class taught by Ely Delaney. It was great in many aspects. He shares real world success and failures so you can learn from his experience. It was very conversational and informative. Yet, he answered all of our questions.
Ely has an informative teaching style that is engaging and interesting to listen to in class. I was interested in all of the knowledge being shared with us.
He also has a book available on Networking that can be a great reference guide. I strongly recommend that you take advantage of learning from Ely while attending his networking class.

Joe Callan
Inside Sales and Marketing Representative at Fog Software Group
So much we're sold on the latest greatest software that will help us make our millions while drinking Mai Tais on the beach.
While this is a concept, the technology and tools we have available today (and yes, all of us have access to these amazing tools) were not created to remove the human element. It’s designed to help us automate the things we can so we can focus on the things we can’t, like building REAL relationships with our prospects, clients, partners.
Both the workshop content and presentation style that Ely has developed serves to successfully demonstrate how social media can be used to advance one's career goals. His sense of humor and straightforward manner that is grounded in real-world experiences and examples serve to remove the fear and trepidation that many feel in using these tools. I highly recommend this workshop and would explore others taught by Ely.

Leslie Ross
Consulting Marketing Partner
After my first conversation with Ely, I had 12 pages of notes. Our conversation flowed and he gave actionable recommendations. He is an outstanding listener and very insightful. I felt right off the bat that he was listening to my challenges and guiding his recommendations to help me get to a better place. I would absolutely recommend engaging with Ely. You will enjoy the conversation and working with him.

Jeffrey Cohen
B2B PRO Marketing
I have a weekly podcast with how-to-tech advice. I was introduced to Ely by a mutual friend and I knew he had a lot to offer as a guest. I was RIGHT! It was one of my favorite episodes and I learned a lot. His easy-going way of explaining strategies kept me memorized and furiously taking notes. From what he taught and discussed, I was able to easily implement his ideas and strategies into two of my businesses and one for a client immediately. I'm so glad we met and will continue to consult with him. I'm sure I'll have him on as a guest again!

Susan Finch
Susan Finch Solutions